Watermelon Sherbet, Vegan すいかシャーベット

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Dawn, the most beautiful scenery in the morning 

I read that 2023 July was the hottest month ever recorded worldwide.

But I feel it is not as bad as last few years.

It is rather more comfortable comparatively.

Why ?

The key is “humidity”.

When the humidity is high, even if the temperature is lower, it is quite uncomfortable.  

However when the humidity is low, I do not feel that bad even  the temperature goes up very high like 37, which is above the body temperature.

(it is definitely much better than the coldness of the winter.)


The very early morning is the best time of the day !

You may be surprised, but I wake up already three o’clock in the morning during summer. 

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 The full moon in the early morning.   It’s fascinating !

After breathing, leg and back exercise on the bed, I get up and go out for an early morning walk.

I love to walk in the morning !

The sky of the east side often starts turning to orange at four o’clock already. 


It is so exciting to see the milky orange sky with some light blue sky around it.  

The air is fresh, not hot, just right temperature for me.

I have several roots for my morning walk.

One of them is the mountain which I spend 30 minutes plus to reach to the top from the foot of the mountain. 

The sceneries from the top vary each day. 

I could worship the sunrise from the top of the mountain on this day.


It can be extraordinary beautiful if I’m lucky.

This scene was breath taking !


I can seldom see the sunrise from the top of the mountain as I need to start climbing when it is still dark if I wish to see.

So I usually see the sunrise at the foot of the mountain.



By the time I reached the top, the sun is already glaring yellow, and the sky is blue when the weather is fine.

The top part of the tallest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji can be seen.
This is the full moon in the morning. 
I was so excited to see the orange sun in the east
and the white full moon in the west.


Another root I often take is a kind of rural area where the plenty kinds of seasonal wildflowers and plants grow. 

Rice paddy is very green now.

The sound I can hear here is the birds’ songs only. 
(When I approach the stream, I can also hear the gentle sound of the water running in the stream.)

From January to February, the plum blossoms are everywhere.

In March, rape flowers bloom here and there.
iIn April, lovely Yaezakukra cherry blossom  blooms.

I seldom meet people during my walk.


That is the another reason that I love early morning walk.

When I do not see people, I can feel as if I’m a part of the nature.

How fortunate I am to be able to immerse myself in the nature every day!

In summer, the morning dew is glistening.

I greet many kinds of insects too in the summer.


Akabanayugesho, one of my favorite summer wild flowers.


Because of this, everyday is a holiday for me.

I can refresh myself each day.

I do not have any desire to go somewhere on holiday  to refresh myself or to seek a stimulation anymore.

The recipe that I am sharing with you today is the watermelon recipe. 

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It is a perfect recipe on a scorching hot day.

It is so cooling, easy to make, can be preserved in the freezer, so you can purchase a big size watermelon without hesitation.

Here’s an additional sharing with you today.
But be cautious, your temperature might go up as this video is sooo heartwarming. 

So prepare this sherbet beside you to cool you down before watching it !

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 Special sharing for you.




Watermelon Sherbet すいかシャーベット

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Only two ingredients are required in this recipe, watermelon and salt!

You also need a freezer and a blender.


Watermelon (desired amount)

A pinch of Salt per serving



1.    Cut the watermelon into thin slices like the photo.

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  Try to cut all the pieces into same thickness.  It is easier to pack and freeze in the plastic bag later.

2.    Peel and deseed.

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3.    Pack them in the plastic bag, and freeze it in the freezer.

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4.    When you eat, take the frozen watermelon out from the freezer, and defrost partially in the room temperature.   

* While defrosting, keep the serving bowl in the fridge to cool it down so that the sherbet you’re going to eat will not melt too quickly in the bowl.

5.    Put the partially defrosted watermelon and a pinch of salt in the blender, and blend till the watermelon turns to the sherbet.

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*Do not skip adding the salt.  The salt can enhance the sweetness of watermelon and also can prevent your body from cooling down excessively.

6.    Scoop the sherbet into the serving bowl.

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Here are some other recipes introduced before which are just suitable on a hot day. 

Try them out too.

Fruit Ponch in Suika (5)_00001.jpg

Alcohol-free Fruit Punch


Red bean Potong best_00001_01_00001.jpg

Red Bean Potong / Singapore Malaysia style Red Bean Popsicle.

Happy Cooking

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