Crepe Roll ロールクレープ Vegan Gluten-free

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Not cold

The daytime is long

The fresh air in the early morning

The sweet corns

The cucumbers


Those are the things that I like about the summer. 

I also like the moment that I see variety kinds of insects early in the morning. 



Some are active hopping from the grass to grass, some are flying from the flower to flower, some are staying quietly on the grass. 


The summer is the season that the insects exert their energies to their maximum.  They may not be aware, but they probably are enjoying the moment that they are living in this world.


Even the tiny insect excerts its powerful energy, and it is passed on to me. 

There is a sad culture in Japan.

That is to catch and cage the insects during summer.

These actions are considered good deed and the schoolteachers, parents and adults all encourage kids to do so. 

Maybe it is the most typical summer holiday school project in Japanese prime schools.
That is why you see many nets and cages stuck up on the shelves in the shops in Japan during summer.


“Let them be in the nature. 
They never want to be caught nor caged.”

Today’s recipe is not the sweet corns, cucumber nor edamame.

I am sharing a recipe which I frequently prepare for my lunch all the year round.


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That is “Roll Crepe” or “Crepe Roll” whichever you name it.

It is easy to prepare, economical and convenient.

You can roll anything you want. 

The leftovers that you find in the fridge can be cleared, which would make you feel great too.

This recipe became my standard lunch recipe after I became intolerant to the gluten, and also sensitive to the yeast.
Since this roll crepe is more versatile than the bread, I do not have craving for the bread anymore.

In this recipe I am using the rice flour and buck wheat flour for the crepe dough, but you can use any flour of your choice. 

You just need to adjust the amount of the plant based milk.

Rather than relying on the measurement stated in the recipe, see and feel the consistency of the batter like the photo shown in the recipe. 



Crepe Roll ロールクレープ

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Crepe (1枚分)

20g rice flour

20g buck wheat flour

1/4 tsp salt

100g soy milk or other types of plant based milk



All are desired amounts

Lettuce tear into bite sizes

Cresson detach the leaves from the stalks. cut the stalks into thin slices.

Onion cut into thin slices

Carrot cut into thin julienne

Soft pumpkin for salad cut into thin julienne

Tempeh sauté, and season with sake, mirin and soy sauce

Protein rich seeds and nuts such as sesame, hemp, sunflower, pumpkin, flax mash with the blender

Vegan mayonnaise

Your choice of dressing sauce, salt, pepper, spice optional


1.    Combine rice flour, buckwheat flour and salt in a bowl.  Add 2/3 amount of plant based milk first and mix with the whisk.  Add rest of the milk little by little to obtain the desired texture.

The amount of pant based milk needs to be adjusted depending on the flour you are going to use. The buckwheat flour requires more liquid than the rice flour to obtain the same texture.  Therefore if you are using rice flour only, you would need less milk than above amount.


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 This is the desired thickness.


2.    Heat up the skillet or frying pan, then swirl the oil to coat the surface of the pan.  Do not over pour the oil unnecessarily.  If your pan is nonstick type, this procedure can be skipped.  

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 The caster iron pan is heavy but always brings the beautiful results not only to the crepes but also to the tofu steaks.


3.    Drip the batter to the center of the pan from 15cm above the pan.  In this way the batter naturally runs into the nice round shape.  However if the batter is too thick you may need to swirl around the batter by tilting the pan with your hands. 

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4.    Reduce the heat to low.  Flip over when you see the small bubbles on the surface and the edge of the batter lift up from the bottom slightly.  Cook the backside only for half a minute or so.  

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5.    Transfer to the plate or to the cutting board.  Spread the vegan mayonnaise over the crepe.

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6.    Line the vegetables on the crepe.  You can arrange them in a way you want.

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 Lots of colorful vegetables surely makes you happier.   Pour your choice of dressing, spice, salt at this stage.



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 Added the tempeh. (This tempeh was broken into pieces while being sautéed.) 


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 Pour generous amount of the crashed seeds and nuts at the end.


7.    Roll the fillings and the crepe like you roll sushi roll.  If you are not used to rolling, try from the lesser amount of fillings.  You can increase the filling next time you roll. 

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8.    You can bite into the roll straight away, but I usually cut into the slices, place them on the plate, and eat with the chopsticks.

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If you wrap the roll with the parchment paper, you can bring it out for lunch or picnic. 
In that case, avoid something juicy or runny for the filling such as ripen tomato or dressing sauce. 

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Variation of Crepe

Garvanzo Fave Komeko Crepe_00001_01.JPG

 With chickpea flour


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 With sorghum flour



Variation of Fillings


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Sautéed mushrooms seasoned with garlic, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper



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Farafel Crepe (7)_00001_01.JPG

 The left over falafel from the precious dinner, Less vegetable than normal as the falafel piece is so chubby.


Happy Cooking

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