日本語のレシピは ビーガン、ベジタリアン情報満載の Hachidory から ご覧下さい。
The summer is still lasting here in Japan.
However it has already reached the turning point and is getting ready to pass the baton to the next season.
I can feel that from the air, and also from the sounds of insects.
The growth of the tomatoes in my garden is also telling me that.
I wanted to introduce today’s recipe earlier when the tomato season is in its peak in the open fields.
I cannot remember since when, but the tomatoes which used to be the vegetable of the summer only became the one of all the year round.
I read that 80% of the tomatoes sold in Japan are cultivated in the green houses, not in the open fields.
That is why they are available all the year round.
The real natural tomatoes, which grow in the fields can be harvested in the summer only (or early autumn).
When I looked at the tomatoes displayed in the supermarkets, none of them look like grown in the open fields to my eyes and sense. They are pretty, but less energetic.
The tomatoes in my garden are smaller and do not have nice figures like the one in the shop, but they definitely have more vitality, and are also tastier.
The recipe I am introducing today is very simple to make.
It is to enjoy the taste and juiciness of the tomatoes.
When I place the plate of this tomato salad, the cucumber dish, sweet corns and edamame/young green soybeans on the table, I feel as if I am on the cloud nine of the summer.
You might feel the same way !
Enjoy !
Tomato Salad トマトサラダ
Ingredients (for 4 servings)
3~5 smaller tomatoes
1 small onion
1 tsp dried green color herb
For dressing sauce
4 Tbsp vinegar
1 tsp salt
Hint of pepper
1 tsp Dijon mustard
4 Tbsp vegetable oil
1. Combine all the ingredients for dressing sauce and mix well. Put aside.
2. Slice the tomatoes into 5mm~1cm thickness. If the tomatoes are big cut into half moon shapes.
* Peel the tomatoes if you prefer that way before slicing. Make the cross incision on top of the tomato, blanch in boiling water for 10 seconds, take it out to the cold water. The tomato can be peeled easily in this way.
3. Arrange the sliced tomatoes on the plate like the photo, pour the dressing sauce from the top and sprinkle dried herb.
4. Chill in the fridge till it is served.
If the tomato is small, it can be served individually in this way.
With the yellow tomatoes, it may look even more gorgeous!
Happy cooking!