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The daytime is getting shorter and shorter day by day since “Shubun-no-hi”, autumn equinox day.
The beautiful orchestra by the insects at night is fading away…..
The mantis, the cricket and the locust are visiting me at my home escaping from the chilly air.
Last year I had five mantises visited me and stayed at my home until their last moments.
Whenever I have the insect visitors, I converse with them. When I squat and talk to them gently, they stop moving around and stay still moving their feelers gracefully towards me and listen to me.
I am quite sure that they like to be talked by me, if not, they like my voice at least.
It may be hard for you to believe, but the same thing happens to the cockroaches too.
All these insects look adorable to me.
As for mantises, they often climb onto my arm and then to the head if I stretch out my hand closer to them.
Last year I let them stay at my home as long as they want, but this year I am sending them back to my garden, thinking it must be better for them to go back to the nature. After all they were born in the nature, lead their lives there, so should finish their lives there too.
The fall foliage is around the corner and the cold winter is waiting behind it.
I must enjoy the beautiful season of autumn wildflowers, comortable air and sunshine to the maximum now….
There are lots of good things about the seasonal food too.
The harvest of the rice is in its midst, and the new plump and moist grains are already available.
I was overjoyed when I found the Koji attached to the rice grain for the first time in my life. Can you see the black thing in the center ?
The chestnuts are abundant this year.
The color of the persimmons is getting orangeier and orrangier on the trees.
Today I am sharing the Kogyoku apple recipe with you.
Kogyoku 紅玉 is the small and red apple and is available only for a month.
The Japanese apples are usually big and sweet compared with the ones from the other countries, however this Kogyoku is comparatively small and sour. Maybe it is closer to the granny smith though the color is different.
Today’s kogyoku recipe which I named “Ruby Apple” is my ultimate recipe.
Wanting to make Kogyoku’s pretty red color stand out, I experimented many times. When this apple is heated, the color can be faded easily.
See what I did to solve this and follow my recipe while kogyoku is available.
Ruby Apple
Ingredients (for 2~3 servings)
2 Kogyoku apples
2 tsp salt + 2 cups of water to make saltwater
1/8 tsp salt for seasoning
2 tsp lemon juice
2~3 mint leaves
1. Wash kogyoku using the brush thoroughly.
2. Cut into quarters and remove the chores.
3. Cut each piece further into three to four pieces lengthwise, and peel.
4. Soak both flesh and peels in the saltwater for five minutes.
5. Drain and transfer into the heavy bottom pot. Add salt and mix.
6. Cover the lid and heat up over low flame for 15 min.
7. Let it stand for 10 min, and then open the lid, add the lemon juice and mix. (Instantly the color of the apple change to orangish pink from yellowish color.)
8. Take out the peels, spread them on the cutting board, scrape the flesh attached to the skin using the spoon.
9. Dish up the pale pink color flesh into the bowl and place the red color flesh on top of it.
10. Garnish with mint leaves.
l No sweetener is added in this recipe. Instead the salt is mixed to extract the sweetness from the apple.
l You can hardly get the pesticide free apples in Japan though it is not so difficult to get the 50~60% pesticide reduced apples.
The pesticide is used frequently in the apple farms. The dosage is also very high, therefore it is advised to peel the skin, and also remove some of the flesh of the hollow area of the bottom and top where the pesticide residue is concentrated. In this recipe I am using the peels too, therefore wash the skin thoroughly under running water, and then soak in the salt water. Heating up the apples can also help to reduce the residue.
Eating with yogurt made from brown rice and soy milk is yummy too.
I made ruby apple tarts.
Aren’t they pretty ?
Happy cooking !