Vegan Yogurt ビーガンヨーグルト

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Fudegaki Hanadohri 2016Nov6 (25).JPG
At last the blue sky is back here after having long wet wet days in October.
Actually the October is  the second most comfortable month here in Saitama, Japan.  Not hot, not cold and not rainy.
But it seems that somebody high up in the sky wanted to change it this year, probably thinking it is good for us to have cold rainy days .
Not too bad….
We can always find something that can keep ourselves occupied or to enjoy ourselves, no matter if it rains or not.
How fortunate we are to have freedom to move around, to feel the fresh air, to decide what to do, to have dream for the future. 
The autumn is also the season of harvests.
Rice, chestnuts, ginkonuts, wallnuts, sweet potatoes, persimmons, etc….
I often feel like plucking the nuts and fruits when I see them growing on the trees.
I think that impulsive emotion is an instinct as a living creature.
The most prominet tree in this season is the persimmon as its orange color of the fruit stands out in the scenery of autumn.
Kaki 2018Oct18 (3).JPG
The most common type of persimmon in this region.
Kakinoha (2).JPG
The persimmon leaves are so beautiful and I always bring them back home when I found the leaves on the grounds.
Kaki Jun18.JPG
This picture was taken in June.  The persimmon was still green color.
Many people have persimmon tress in their gardens, so I can enjoy lots of them during this season.  ( but I have to be careful not to eat too much as the persimmon is Yin and cooling . )
These are the dishes that I prviously shared the recipes in this blog.
Kaki Mizuna Salad best.jpg
Salad with persimmon, mizuna and wallnuts

Kaki Kabu salad best.JPG
Salad with persimmon and Japanese white turnip

Below is the another persimmon dish called “Shiraae” in Japanese, and literally it means “mixed with white”.
The persimmon is mixed with the paste made of tofu and white sesame seeds.
Kaki no shiraae 20171023 best.JPG
The recipe that I am going to introduce you today is not persimmon recipe, but soy milk yogurt.
It goes very well with persimmon and other autumn harvested fruit such as grapes and pears.
There are more than a few ways of making vegan yogurt.
I usually use soy milk, and make different favor of yogurt by adding different kind of ingredients to develp into yogurt which is rich in lactic acid.
Lactic aid increases good bacteria, so to be called probiotic bacteria in our intestine.  
It is especially beneficial to those who tend to have bowel movement problems.
Today I am going to show you one of the three methods, which requires only soy milk and brown rice for ingredients, and very easy to make.

Vegan Yogurt  / Soy Milk, Brown Rice version
Tohu Yogurt genmai best.JPG
200ml soy milk
2 Tbsp brown rice
a glass jar
1.  Disinfect the glass jar by boiling in the hot water for 5 minutes, or
     by placing it under the sun for one hour.
   * Place the jar in a pot filled with cold water first, 
       and then heat up to bring it  to a boil.  
       If you place the jar into the hot water straight away, the bottle may
       crack and be borken.
2.  Place the brown rice and 50 ml of soymilk in a jar and mix.  
Genmai Yoguhrt MB (4) 750x562.jpg
3.  Cover and put aside for 24 hours in the environment of 20℃~28℃.  
     Soymilk shoud be curdled by the time. 
     If it has not been curdled, extend the time till curdled.
Genmai Yogurt Culture MB (1) 750x.jpg
4.  Add 100ml of soymilk.  Do not mix this time. 
     Put aside for 8 ~12 hours or until curdled.  
5.  Repeat the same procedure as “4”.
6.  Scoop out the curdled part to eat with care not to touch the
     brown rice at the bottom.
7.  Top up soy milk for next use.
* If the tempreture is highter than 28℃, keep the jar in the fridge.  
  If you live in the tropical country, it is advised to keep the jar
  in the fridge during day time, and put it in the room during night
      time.  In cold climate, keep the jar in the room with the heater.
*    The solidity of the curd varies depending on the protein
      percentage (thickness) of soy milk.   I found the soy milk from Europe
      and U.S. sold in the carton boxes are thinner than Japanese soy milk,
      and can’t be the texture like the photo above.   However you can
      turn it to thicker by drainig the whey (liquid) through the kitchen
      paper and strainer like the photos below.
Yogurt Mizukiri (15).JPG
Yogurt Mizukiri (19).JPG
The bowl, strainer, kitchen towel, yogurt, weight – from the bottom to top-.

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The longer pressed, the firmer the curdle becomes. 
I would call it “Cheese ” rather than “Yogurt” at this stage.
Yogurt Mizukiri MB (2) 750x562.jpg
The drained liquid “whey” is good to drink, can be used for soup and bakings.
* You can repeat topping up soy milk, but it may turn sour
  little by little over the time.  In that case you may want to start from
      the beginning .
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I ate with persimmon.  
Kaki Paste  Yoghurt best.JPG
If the pesimmons overripe, we can make them into paste using the blender.