Vegan Minced Meat & Eggplant Recipe ビーガン茄子そぼろ丼

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Mizunasu uchi 2016 (1).JPG
“Do not let the daughter in law eat the autumn eggplants “.
This is a Japanese proverb.
How do you interpret ?
There are two ways of interpretations.
One is, “The eggplansts are too cooling for the ladies especially when the summer is ending.”
It is very considerate and thoughtful interpretation.
Parents in law are worried if their daughter in law  may not be able to bear the babies or get sick  if she eats the eggplants in autumn.
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But another interpretation is quite mean.
“The eggplanst harvested in autumn is too tasty to let daughter in law eat.”
I want to believe the first interpretation is the correct one.
It is already autumn here.
The air is getting clearer, and the sky looks more beautiful.
The wind is breezy and makes me feel so good when I feel it on my skin.
The songs of insects at night relaxes my soul.
But I know that it will soon bring sentimental feeling.
Till then, I want to enjoy this comfortable transitional season to my heart’s content.
Kakinoha AM 2017Aug31 (121).JPG
I already found the fallen persimon leaves on the ground the other day.
AM 2017Aug13 (28) 750 x 500.jpg
Rice crops are tuning brown and growing fatter.
Going back to the eggplants sotry…,
It is true that the eggplanst in autumn is tasty.
The flesh is more desnsed and the flavour is more condensed.
In Macrobiotics, it is considered very Yin vegetable,
but in autumn it becomes less Yin.
Takahashi Vegie 2007Oct15 (18).jpg
It is not as juicy as the ones of summer.
We can still enjoy autumn eggplant by different method of cooking.
I’ll show you one of such ways today.
See how I prepare mock minced meat.

Vegan Nasu Soboro Don
Nasu Tohu Soboro best.JPG
Ingredients ( for 2~4 servings)
1/2 block of firm tofu – drain water
2 medium size eggplants – cut into 1cm dice, soak in salt water for 5 minutes, and drain
Nasu Mabo Process (1).JPG
2 green pepper – deseed and cut into 1cm dice
2 Tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp of chopped garlic
1 tsp of chopped ginger
2 Tbsp chopped leek
1 tsp chopped fermented black soy beans (optional)
1/4 tsp salt
for seasoning
2 tsp miso
1 tsp soy sauce            *Mix all of them in a bowl.
1/4 tsp chili paste
2Tbsp water
for garnishing
2~4 Tbsp chopped spring onion
1 tsp roasted sesame seeds – mashed
2~4 Tbsp sliced young ginger marinated in plum vinegar
You need to make mock minced meat with tofu first.  
Mash firm tofu with your hand.
Tofu Soboro Process (11).JPG
Heat up mashed tofu over medium heat.  Mash further and break into smaller pieces with a spatual all through cooking.
Transfer the tofu into a bowl when it turned to small pieces like minced meat.
Tofu Soboro Process (2).JPG
Add sesame oil, garlic, ginger, leek and fermented black soy beams, and sautte till fragrant over low heat.
Add eggplant, green pepper and salt and fry till cooked.
Nasu Mabo Process (10).JPG
Add mock minced meat, and the mixture of seasoning, (miso, soy sauce,chili paste and water) and fry another few minutes.
Tansfer into the serving bowls filled with steamed rice.
Garnish with spring onion, roasted sesame seeds and young ginger marinated in plum vinegar.
Nasusoborodon best.JPG
I ate this ”Nasu Soboro Don” with eggplant nukazuke.
Nukazuke is a marinade made from rice bran and salt with some additional ingredients such as kombu, dried persimmon, pepper and variety kinds of vegetables to enhance the taste.
Nasu Nukazuke best 640x4480.jpg
It can be like Chinese “Mapo eggplant” if you add more water, and thickend with potato satarch.