It is a frosty world outside whenever I open the sliding shutter doors in the morning.
Yes, it is the coldest season in Japan now , and at about 5 a.m. , the tempreture hits the lowest degree of the day.
It can go down to -6℃ here in Saitama.
I know it is much better than other places like Canada where some of my friends live, but I cannot help feeling freezing cold.
So I always try to look for something nice which can happen only in winter, and cheer me up.
The clear cloudless blue sky,
The crystal shining stars and moon,
The energetic tress which shed off all the leaves,
The churping birds flying here and there, enjoying their lives fully in the nature.
And yes, winter vegetables,
Kabu/turnip, Daikon /white radish, the carrot, Goboh/the burdock,
Negi/the leak.
Those are representing the winter vegetables, and people living in this regeion eat them everyday.
( You may have noticed that those are all root vegetables.
The root vegetables are considered very Yang and keep your body warm.)
There's one more vegetable that we appreciate only in cold season only.
It is oblone.
It is quite big and heavy.
It is not a root vegetable.
It has leafy part and non leafy part.
The leafy part is light green color.
The non leafy part is white color.
It has many layers.
The leafy part of inner section is yellow.
Do you know what it is by now ?
It is
It looks like this in the field.
When it is not tied with a string, its leaves open up like this.
Hakusai, the Napa Cabbage!
We often eat it in a steam boat and also make it into pickles to presereve.
Just simply blanching in boiling water and eating with Miso sauce mixed with Yuzu juice and chopped leak is also one of my favorites.
It goes nice with preserved tomato sauce if you want to enjoy it in different style.
Today, I am introducing you Miso Soup with nap cabbage.
The miso soup is easy to make, but many people use instant soup stock or use artificial Miso which contains unnatural flavours, or the one heated up to stop the fermentation for easy storage.
Miso soup is a very basic traditional Japanese food.
Follow my recipe to appreciate the real goodness of miso.
I do not use any fish products for stock, so it is pure vegan miso soup.

Napa Caggabe Miso Soup
Ingredients (for 2 servings)
8g Konbu/sea kelp,
This is called Makombu, my second favorite Kombu
500g Filtered water, 2 leaves Napa Cabbage,
1/2 sheet Fried Tofu
I always stick to this brand as its quality is excellent.
2 stalks Spring Onion
2 Tbsp Miso
My handmade Rice Miso
- Cut the Konbu into an inch width strips, and soak in filtered water over night.
2. Gradually heat up, and remove Konbu from the pot before it starts boiling.
3. Blanch fried Tofu in boiling water in a separate pot to remove excess oxidised oil.
4. Cut the fried Tofu and the napa cabbage into bite sizes.
5. Heat up the Dashi/soup stock prepared earlier, add in napa cabbage and frine tofu,
cook until tender.
6. Dilute Miso with a scoop of soup from the pot and transfer into the pot.
7. Add chopped spring onion and serve.
- There are many types of Miso sold, but try to get the genuine traditional miso which has no additives, and was fermented for duration of 1/2 year at least.
- The taste of dashi/soup stock varies depending on which konbu used. Some do not release its Umami/complexed savory taste just by soaking water. If you found its taste is too bland, heat it up to about 60℃ and maintain that tempreture with very low flame for an hour, and then remove the koubu, and use for soup. In Japan, we have many types of Konbu, so I change the method after seeing the result when I use a new packet of Konbu.
- Do not boil soup once you add Miso. Its fregrance would fly away.
- If your place does not make Napa cabbage, you can cook with normal caggage.
Those are the Miso I made, different kinds of Miso except the one of top right which is called Shiromiso.
We enjoy Miso Soup with variety kinds of seasonal vegetables.

with most of the winter vegetables together, radish, carrot, burdock, lotur root, etc…

Simple versinon, Tofu, onion and Japanese snow pea.
昆布だしで作る 白菜と油揚げの味噌汁
材料 (2人分)
昆布 10ℊ 水 500㏄
白菜 2枚 油揚げ 1/2枚
みそ 大さじ2杯くらい 青ネギ 適量
- 昆布は、2㎝位の太さに はさみで切り、水に 一晩 つける。 翌日 昆布を 取り出す。
- 白菜は、食べやすい大きさに 切る。
- 油揚げは、沸騰したお湯をくぐらせ、油抜きする。 そして 千切りにする。
- だしを沸騰させ、白菜と油揚げを 煮る。
- 白菜が柔らかくなったら、味噌を 少量のだしで溶き、鍋に入れてかき混ぜ、器に盛る。
- 小口切りした青ネギを のせる。 li>
- 昆布は いろいろな昆布がありますが、その名前だけでは判断できません。というのが私の感想です。 たとえば ”真昆布”と書いていても、いいだしが出てくるものもあれば、見た目が立派なだけというのもあります。 水につけただけで、いい味が出てきていない場合は、火にかけて60℃くらいを1時間キープしてみて下さい。 そうすると、おいしいだしが出る昆布も あります。
- 野菜たっぷりの味噌汁は、野菜からいいだしが出てくるので、昆布の量を減らした出汁にし、豆腐とワカメだけのようなシンプルな具材の時は、贅沢に昆布を大目に使ってだしを取ると おいしい味噌汁ができます。 鰹節や煮干しなど使わなくても、昆布だけで、(時には椎茸を加えて)それ以上においしい だしができあがりますよ。