今年の夏は いつもの夏より 暑さが厳しいような気がしています。
こんな暑い夏には、陰性な野菜や果物が 食べたくなります。
陰性な野菜? それ、なあに? って思うかもしれませんね。
例をあげれば 陰性な野菜とは、トマトにきゅうりに茄子、陰性な果物とは スイカなどです。
まさに 夏に旬を迎える果実たちです。
ところが、つい最近まで、マクロビオティックでは、ナスやトマトは 食べない方がいい野菜に部類されていたのです。
どうしてなの? 真実って一つではないの? って思ってしまいますよね。
その答えの キーワードは 陰陽のバランスです。
一般の栄養学の概念にはない 考え方で、
夏に これでもかこれでもかと実を実らせる 茄子、おいしく食べたいものです。
ということで、今日は、きっと皆さんにもおなじみの ”茄子の味噌炒め”のレシピを 公開します。
日本人にはおなじみのレシピですが、外国人には そうでもないので、今回は このあと、レシピを 日本語と英語 両方で 書き留めます。
世界各国で日本料理として出回るようになった おみそですが、Miso Soup 以外には その使い道を皆さん、ご存じないようですので、お味噌の使い方の参考になればいいなとも 思って、このレシピにしました。
It is the midst of summer in Japan now.
"Hah~" this sound comes out from my mouth now and then.
(this is the onomatopoeia for sigh in Japanese.)
Japanese summer is not like the one of my childhood any more.
The tempreture can now go up to nealy 40 centigrade where I live.
Yes, it is extremly hot and humid !
Today, I am going to introduce an eggplant recipe as it is in season now here, and there are plenty of them around me.
In old days, the eggplant was not recommended vegetable to consume as it is considered very Yin in Macrobiotic. But with this extremly Yang weather, I think it is rather recommended to eat it to cool down our heated body.
Many people living here are enjoying farming, and the eggplant is one of the most popular vegetables to grow in summer.
Everyday I need to cook them as my neighbours give me some, and I also harvest my own ones which I planted its seedling for the first time this spring.
It is a fun and also a happiness to pik up the grown up vegetables which I planted the seed by myself.
There are plenty of ways to cook eggplans.
Nukazuke– pickles marinated in rice bran and salt mixture. When they are mixed, the fermentation process takes place in accordance with time process, and it is a true traditional Japanese cooking method which benefits our health tremendously. (I used the word "true" as I know many people consider non-traditional Japanse food, such as Sukiyaki, Ramen, Pork cutlet traditional.)
Adding in Miso soup after slicing it to strips,
Steaming it and eat it with soy sauce and mustard paste, or adding into salad,
Making Singapore style curry…etc….
What I am introducing you today is probably the most popular way of cooking eggplant in Japan.
That is " Nasu no Miso itame – Fried Eggplant with Miso".
The combination of Eggplant and Miso (fermented soy bean paste) is perfect.
If you are wondering what else you can make from Miso that is left at the corner of your fridge after making Miso soup, try this recipe, I bet you'd love it !
Ingredients ( for 4 servings)
400g eggplant- remove stem part, cut into bite sizes, soak in salt water for a few minutes, and drain
for sauce
40g Miso
60g Amazake, sweetner made from rice and Koji culture,
20g Water
for ganishing
4 Shiso leaves or other type of herb available where you live, – cut into thin strips
- Combine Miso, Amazake and water in a bowl.
- Heat a skilet, add in sesami oil, swirl around to coat the surface, add in prepared eggplant and stir fry until oil is absorbed into eggplant.
- Add in sauce ingredients, and keep stiring for a few minutes.
- Transfer onto the plate and garnish with Shiso leaves.
- If Amazake is not available, you can use other type of sweetner such as rice syrup or maple syrup. Amount must be adjusted according to the sweetness of that particular sweetner. Amazake's sweetness is very mild.
- There are many types of Miso sold nowadays. You can use whatever available where you live. But if there are some selections, try to get genuine Miso without any additives and with enough salt. When you see the label of ingredients, it should state only "Soy beans, Rice, Koji, Salt" or "Soy beans, Wheat, Koji, Salt"
- This dish goes nice with steamed rice. if you want to eat it without rice, use less amount of Miso as it may taste too salty.
This is with additional garnishing of Myoga, which grows underground during summer in Japan, and this vegetable also goes very nice with Miso.
茄子 400g、 ヘタを取ってから 食べやすい大きさに切って 塩水に数分浸した後、ざるに上げておく。
ごま油 大さじ2~3
味噌 40g、 甘酒 60g、 水 20g
青紫蘇の葉 4枚 細い千切りにしておく。
- 合わせ調味料用の材料は 混ぜあわせておく。
- フライパンを温めてから ごま油を回し入れ、下準備しておいた茄子を入れて 炒める。
- 茄子が油を吸収して 柔らかくなったら 合わせ調味料を加え、さらに数分炒める。
- 皿に取り分け、青紫蘇を トッピングする。
- 甘酒を入れると、お砂糖よりも マイルドな仕上がりになります。