Gingerbread Man Cookies, Vegan & Gluten-free  ジンジャーブレッドマンクッキー


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Merry Christmas !

I hope you are having a wonderful happy holiday.

I’ll be having a dinner alone at my home…

But don’t worry, I do not mind it at all.

After all it is not a holiday in Japan, and is also not the day that family get together unless they have small kids at their home.  It is rather the day that young people have gathering or dinner with their own friends, not with their families.

I wrote more about Christmas in Japan in previous posts, so if you are interested in, visit and read them.

With the recipe of tofu cream 

With the recipe of Christmas pumpkin muffin 

I already had happy Christmas parties with my students and my family on separate occasions.

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Christmas table that I prepared for my family


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The decoration cake that my students made following the recipe that I passed to them.


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The healthy donuts that kids, moms and me made together.
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The Christmas tree potato salad that I made.


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The Christmas lease shaped rice bread decorated by kids


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The soup, stew, salad and rice were prepared by moms

It is my greatest pleasure to plan what to cook for special occasions and to cook in my own way and in my own speed without any restrictions.

How fortunate I am to have such a freedom and dignity!

I have enough food to fill my tummy and a shelter to keep myself warm during this cold season.

What else can I ask for ?

My thought goes to those beings whose freedom and dignities are taken away and living in miserable conditions in this world.

I just wish merry Christmas to all of them.

May the god bless to all the creatures living in this world….

The recipe that I am introducing to you today is Gingerbread Man Cookies ! 

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Of course, vegan and also gluten-free.

They are too cute so you may not want to eat them after all !


Gingerbread Man Cookies

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Utensils required

Bowl, Measuring spoons, Scale,

Gingerbread Man cookie cutter,

Rolling pin, Baking sheet, Parchment paper,

Oven, Pastry bag


For cookie dough


60g Rice flour for pastry (Seikayo Komeko/製菓用米粉) 

20g potato starch (Katakuriko/片栗粉)

20g roasted soybean flour (Kinako/きな粉)

You might want to try with other types of gluten-free flour.  However, I cannot guarantee if you could get the same result or not.

1/2tsp ground ginger

1/2tsp ground cinnamon

1/2tsp ground nutmeg

1/2 ground clove

* The amount and the selection of the spices can be adjusted to your taste.


30g odorless vegetable oil

30g beetroot syrup or other types of syrup

1/4tsp salt

10g~20g soy milk

For icing

100g icing sugar

1Tbs soy milk

1/4tsp lemon juice


1.   Mix the dried ingredients of “A” in a bowl.

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2.   Mix the wet ingredients of “B” in a separate bowl.  (Add only 10g of soymilk first.)

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3.   Combine the dried ingredients and the wet ingredients, and mix. The dough should be soft enough to spread with the rolling pins in the next step.  Add soymilk if the dough is too dry.

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4.   Place the dough on the baking sheet or parchment paper, and cover with another piece of sheet.  Press down the rolling pin over the sheet and flatten the dough. 

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5.   Roll the pin and spread the dough into 2mm~4mm height flat sheet.

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Rest the dough in the fridge for minimum of 30 minutes if the room is not cold.  The next procedure would be easier when the dough is cold and firm.

*Try to spread the dough evenly to avoid the trouble to change the baking time for each of the gingerbread boys and girls.  (Thicker, the longer baking time is required.)

6.   Line the parchment paper or baking sheet on the oven tray. 

7.   Cut the dough with the gingerbread man cutter and transfer onto the sheet lined on the tray prepared in “6”.

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*Prepare some rice flour in the bowl, coat the cutter with the rice flour, shake off the excess flour, and then cut the dough. 

In this way you can prevent the dough from sticking to the cutter. 

8.   Gather the remaining dough on the mat, kneed, spread and cut.  Repeat this procedure until all the dough is used up.  

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*You might need to add small amount of soymilk time to time as the dough get dry while you are handling it.   

9.   Preheat the oven to 180 while you are cutting the dough.

10.         Bake the cookies for 10~15 minutes.  

Baking time may vary depending on the thickness of the cookies and also the type of the oven you use. 

11.         Cool down on the cooling rack when the cookies are done.

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 I added the cocoa powder when I made these cookies so they are more brown color. 

12.        Icing making – Put the icing sugar and the soymilk in a bowl and mix. Adjust the amount of soymilk according to the texture of the mixture.  

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13.         Add the lemon juice and mix at the end.  The texture should be like the photo below.  If it is too loose, in the next procedure, the line you made would not be retained and spread out.  If it is too hard or dry, the icing may not stick on the cookies.

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14.         Transfer the icing into the piping bag. Cut off the tip of the bag with the scissors.  



16.         Squeeze the bag and draw a small dot first and check if the size of the hole is adequate or not.  If it is too small, you should cut the tip of the bag more.  It is advised to make a small hole at the beginning.


15.         Draw the eyes, mouth, hair or whatever you want for the boys and girls.

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A handsome boy is ready to meet you !

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The pretty girls are ready to meet you too.
I mad a comfortable house for them to live.

A playful boy is hiding behind the house !


1.  The cookies of this recipe is quite hard, not soft nor crispy.

If you found that it does not suit your taste, please read my excuse below.  

As I mentioned earlier, this recipe is vegan and gluten-free.

I’ve tried many methods with the ingredients that meet my standard which is vegan, gluten-free, plus coconut oil-free, vegan butter- free, and shortening – free.  It is possible to make a crispy or soft cookies with those ingredients, but their doughs are fragile and hardly firm enough to cut with the cutter, especially with the cutter like gingerbread man whose shapes are more in details.  I’m going to explore more but if you know the solution, please share it with me. 

2.   You can get other Christmas sweet recipe from my previous post. 

It is soft and easier to make.  So visit here and try this recipe too. 

I’d be happier if you could read my essay on Chritams too.  

Happy cooking!


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