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The spring is around the corner !
So I am sharing a recipe that surely makes us feel pink.
You need “Fukinoto miso” as one of the ingredients for this recipe, so visit my previous blog first to get it and to learn about the spring of Japan and Fukinoto / butterbur shoot.
Fukinoto Miso Potato Burger
Ingredients (for 1 servings)
1~2 potatoes to obtain 80g of mashed potato
20g fukinoto miso
2 tsp and 1~2 Tbsp potato starch
2 tsp sesame oil
1 burger bun or 2 pcs of sandwich bread
Water cress
Vegan mayonnaise
1. Peel the potatoes and place in a pot filled with water. Heat up and cook till the potato soft.
2. Drain and mash the potato with the masher or fork in a bowl.
3. Add fukinoto miso and 2tsp of potato starch, and mix.
4. Shape the mixture into the disc shape. The size should be closer to the burger bun, and then coat with the potato starch.
5. Heat up the pan, and then add sesame oil. When the oil is warm, add the disc shaped potato and pan fry both sides till golden brown.
6. Add the mixture of soy sauce, mirin, sake and rice syrup, and cook till the seasoning is absorbed to the potato.
7. Cut the burger horizontally into two pieces, and spread vegan mayonnaise on their surfaces.
8. Layer lettuce, pan fried potato, tomato, onion and water cress on the bottom part of burger bun.
9. Cover with the upper portion of burger bun. Insert the stick in the center.
l If you can’t get rice syrup easily, you can replace with sugar.
l The potatoes during this season may be sprouted which is not good for consumption, so remove sprouted parts before cooking, and cook them in the water rather than steaming or baking.
l Most of the wild plants of spring including fukinoto are bitter but it is said that they are good for detoxification of the accumulated toxin and fat during cold season.
Happy cooking!