日本語のレシピは ビーガン、ベジタリアン情報満載の Hachidory から ご覧下さい。
“Tampopo”, “Himeodorikoso”, “Sumire”,
“Imokatabami”, “Hebiichigo”, “Karasunoendo”,
“Kyurigusa”, etc…………..
Have you found a word that you have heard before ?
Those are the names of spring wild flowers that are blooming here now.
The list goes on and on but I know you would be overwhelmed with those Japanese words if I listed up all the names of the wild flowers that I see during my walk.
Here are the photos of those flowers in the same order as the names I’ve listed.
They are in the order of their sizes, from the biggest to the smallest one. The last one Kyurigusa, literally means cucumber grass, is less than 2mm in its size.
The biggest one, Tampopo is dandlion in English, and this is the only one which is considered very big compared with all other flowers.
Those are all small and tiny, but very pretty flowers which have strong vitality in themselves.
When I am surrounded by them on a sunny day, they bring me up to cloud nine.
The spring season is a magic.
There are a few more things that make me happy in this season.
One of them is the onions.
The onions harvested in April is very fresh and tasty!
They are juicy and sweet !!
I eat it almost everyday as spring season onion is available only for a couple of weeks. (After this period, they turn gradually to the normal hard skin, less juicy and less sweet onions.)
I am sharing one of the scrumptious onion recipes with you today.
Sautéed Onion topped with Vegan Parmesan Cheese
All desired amount
Green peas or green vegetables for topping when the onions come without their leaves
Salt and pepper
Vegetable oil
1. Cut the onion into 1cm thick rounds.
2. Chop the leaves of onions fine . If you use the green peas, cook them in the boiling water.
3. Heat the skillet, swirl the vegetable oil, place the sliced onions, let them sit over medium heat.
4. Flip over when the bottom sides turn browned, season with salt and pepper.
5. Cover the lid and cook till onions are soft. (If the onions are the ones during April to May in Japan, only a few minutes cooking can make them incredibly soft and juicy.)
6. Transfer to the plate and sprinkle vegan parmesan cheese and the chopped leaves.
I’ve just uploaded the video of this recipe on You Tube for the first time.
So visit there for the better images.
Sautéed Onion (in Japanese):
Happy cooking!