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Tomorrow is ” Tohji ” .
My heart is lighten up when I think of it as it has been sooo cold in the morning and evening here in Moroyama, Saitama, Japan.
I just can’t wait for the spring to come already.
Though I know the coldness will be harsher in January, I feel a sense of relief as I know that from the day after tomorrow, the sun starts rising earlier and setting later day by day.
Does your culture have special custom or event on the day of winter solictice ?
In Japan, we enjoy our bath with lots of Yuzu, yellow color winter citron.
It is said that the strong fragrance of Yuzu keep evil spirits away, and also that we will not catch cold in coming coldest season.
There is also custom to eat pumpkin on this day.
Pumpkin and Red Beans, food prescription to improve kidney function.
So I am thinking to make and eat the pumpkin dumplings, and enjoy the aroma of Yuzu during my bath time.
( If you have thought that you also want to try it, be caoutious. For some who have delicate skin, it could cause the rashes. May be try with a few pieces first.)
My town produces many kinds of fruit, nuts and grains all the year round as the land is fertile, I guess.
But Yuzu is special.
The town boasts that Yuzu started from this town in Japan.
When I take a walk, those sweet looking yellow fruit are waiting for me wherever I go.
You can see how I enjoy Yuzu in this season from the entry of two years ago.
I’ve talked lots about Yuzu, but the recipe I am going to introduce today is not related to it.
It is something suitable for coming Christmas !
Chiristmas in Japan is celebrated in a family with small kids or between the unmarried couples.
It is not a traditional celebration nor a holiday as most Japanese are non Christians.
It is just a day of having fun.
If I ask the kids what is the Chtistmas, they often answer
” The day for getting presents and eating a whole cake decorated with cream and strawberries.”
For me, it is the season that I can enjoy cooking vegan Christmas dishes, and have a party with kids.
I am sharing one of such recipes with you today….
Chrismas Tree Potato Salad
Ingredients (for 8 small christmas trees)
for potato salad
4 medium size potatoes – cut into wedges, soak in water for 5 min. and drain.
1/2 onion – slice thin, massage with salt, wash with water and drain.
1 tsp salt
4 Tbsp soy mayonnaise
for decoration
1 medium size carrot – slice into 2mm thick moon
50g kohshindaikon/ red radish – slice into 2mm thick moon
50g bitamindaikon / green radish- slice into 2mm thick moon
1 bunch broccoli – devide into florets
8 pieces cherry tomato – cut into halves
1. Place carrot and potato in a pot filled with water. Bring it to a boil.
2. Add broccoli, and cook for a few minutes, and then take out the
broccoli into the collandar.
3. As for the carrot and potato, cook further until soft.
4. Mash the potato with 1/4 tsp salt while it is still hot.
5. Cut out 8 stars out of carrot using cookie cutter. Cut the remainders
into small pieces for decoration.
1. Place the sliceded red raddish and green radish on a plate.
2. Place the potato sald over them like christmas trees using a spoon.
3. Stick the broccoli and carrot pieces on the potato salad.
4. Decorate the plate with broccoli florets and cherry tomatoes.
If you can read Japanese, visit “Hachidory“, the site full of vegan information of Japan, to get my home made soy milk mayonnaise recipe.
Home made one is much fresher and tastes nicer.
If there’s request, I’ll introduce it in English in my next entry.
The photos below are the table of Chirstmas party that we had earlier this month with the kids of my class.
The moms also ontributed some of the dishes, and they are all vegans.
We enjoy icing on vegan Christmas cookies every year.
Happy Cooking !