梅干し入りサラダの日本語レシピが 最後の方にあります。
It' been rainy in Saitama, Japan as we are in the midst of rainy season now.
It is most wonderful thing about Japan that we have so distinctive four seasons.
Oh yes, it is not something comfortable to feel the humidity and to have rain day after day.
But I still like this season very much.
Because the plums are fully grown by June and I can see those beautiful green plums everywhere in this town.
Lots of plums fall onto the ground.
Whenever I see those plums on the ground, I am tempted to pick them up.
In fact, I picked them up until last year, when I learned that is very bad to do so after having been scolded by the owner of the tree.
Yes, I was scolded, and felt like a small kid who never expected to be scolded by her behaviour which is full of fun.
Later my friend who was brought up in this town told me that she was often told by her mother when she was small never ever fix the shoe lace under the plum trees during this season even if you need to do so.
I think you can guess why…
In order to fix the shoe lace, you need to squat, and that posture looks as if you are picking up the plums !
So I try to close my eyes whenever I see the fallen plums on the ground this year.
Those plums that I used to pick up are for me to enjoy their aroma, not for cooking.
I put them on the trays, and place them on the tables of all the rooms.
Their colors turn to yellow and orange day by day, and the fregrance also change, from young sour smell to sweat sour one.
Their fregrance is so fascinating, glamarous and charming, and makes me feel floating up in the heaven.
I love this aroma most of all in this world !!
"Plum Works" is another attraction for me.
Every June, I make plum juice, plum jam and Umeboshi which is to preserve plums with salt and shiso/red herb in a jar.
Plum Juice
Umeboshi, hard green plums transform into this soft red salty plums after being marinated in salt and red shiso leaves.
Umeboshi is ready to eat only half a year later, and it can be kept for hundred years.
All those Umeboshi that I made since I came back to Japan eleven years ago are placed on the rack in my kitchen in the order of the year.
It is interesting to see them as each year's Umeboshi looks different, and tastes different.
For those cooking purpose, I buy the plums from the reliable farmers who grow them by natural method or organic method.
Most of the farmers in this town and near by town use pesticides as it is an industry of the towns and the plum trees have to be protected to be free of insects and not to be infected with common desease that plums are prone to.
The quality for another ingredients for Umeboshi," salt " is also important.
I use Japanese sea salt which is made in traditional way.
Those commercial Umeboshi that are sold in the normal supermarkets are often made with additives , and the salt used is made easy way with unnatural method.
(Same thing can be said for Miso, Japanese traditional fermented seasoning made from soy beans, salt and rice koji .)
The third ingredients for Umeboshi is red Shiso leaves, which add up different kind of aroma to plum, and also beautiful red coloring.
I like the Umeboshi with lots of red Shiso leaves,
so I take another process to add them though it is an etxtra work.
Plum vinegar is a by-product of making Umeboshi.
This vinegar is so usuful, and it is trustworthy and indispensable ingredient for my cooking.
I am sharing the salad recipe with Umeboshi and plum vinegar dressomg today.
I know that you can get good quality Umeboshi and red plum vinegar at natural food shops in Singapore and KL, Malaysia, so go there to get them rather than Japanese grocery stores.
Ingredients (for 2 servings)
2 cups of your choice of seasonal fresh vegetables
(in the photo, I used lettuce, cucumber, onion, carrot and mizuna.)
2 small pieces of Umeboshi – remove seeds and chop
2 tsp sesame seeds – toast and grind
for dressing
This picture was taken before millet is added
1 Tbsp red plum vinegar
1 Tbsp rice vinegar
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 Tbsp virgin oil
1/2 tsp salt
dash of pepper
- Wash and cut the vegetables to bite sizes, soak in the ice water for a few minutes and drain.
- Combine all the ingredients for dressing and mix well.
- Dish up the vegetable and chopped Umeboshi on the serving plate, sprinkle grinded sesame seeds and pour dressing.
- If plum vinegar is not available, replace with lemon and additional salt.
- Use cold press virgin oil of your choice for dressing. I often use Japanese canola virgin oil (non GMO, of course).
材料 (2人分)
お好みの生野菜 (写真では、きゅうり、玉ねぎ、水菜、人参、レタス) カップ2杯分
梅干し2粒 - 種を出して たたく。
白胡麻 - 煎って、皮付きの場合は擂る。
梅酢 大さじ1、 米酢 大さじ1、 粒マスタード 小さじ1
塩 小さじ1/4
黒コショー 少々 油 大さじ1
- 野菜類は 洗って 適当な大きさに切ってから、氷を張った水に 5分ほど 放して シャキッとさせる。 しっかり 水をきる。
- ドレッシングの材料を よく 混ぜ合わせる。
- 皿に 野菜と梅干しを 盛りつける。
- 胡麻を ふりかけ、ドレッシングソースを 回しかける。
- サラダは シンプルなお料理だけに、いい素材で作りたいものです。 新鮮で 農薬などを使わないで育てられた野菜、本物の梅干し、お塩、油 で作ると、おいしさも違います。