Japanese Spring Wild Flowers 春の野の花

Hanohana (1).JPG

Nanohana 菜の花

The spring is such a lovely season.

The leaves on the trees are starting their new lives…

The wild plants are sprouting here and there…

The powerful energy is floating in the air…

Who can resist this glamorous season ?

The spring can make anybody happy.

I feel like telling every one to go out and walk in the nature during this season.

It is such a waste indeed, if one misses seeing, smelling and feeling the spring.

How many times can we experience this in our lives ?

I enjoy walking with my dog everyday.

But this season is so special.

Each day, I encounter the new wild flowers who are freshly  born and greet me.

Here are some of them that captured my heart recently. 

Oinunofuguri Uchi best 853 x 640.jpg

Ohinunofuguri オオイヌノフグリ

Most commonly found at where I live.

Nazuna 2016Mar4 (1) best 853 x 640.jpg

Nazuna ナズナ

This is also commonly found and has another name "Pen Pen gusa"

Hotokenoza (3).JPG

Hotokenoza ホトケノザ

Litterally it means "the cushion for Buddah" as the leaves closer to the ground look like that.

Himeodorikoso 853 x 640.jpg
Himeodorikoso  ヒメオドリコソウ

Litterally it means "dancing princess"

Kinjo 2015Mar29 (1).JPG

Sumire スミレ  Violet. 

All these flowers are very tiny, and grow near the ground.

But I have to look up the trees to enjoy those blossoms below.

Ume Morosemitsukogyo best 85 x 640.jpg

Plum blossom which will fade soon to be a beautiful green plum fruit.

I am using this photo as BG photo on top now.

Kawazuzakura 2016May15 (1) 853 x 640.jpg

Kawazu zakura 河津桜

There are some types of cherry blossoms, and this is the one starts blooming first followed by most popular cherry blossom, Someiyoshino in April.

Hope you could feel Japanese spring from these photos.

Happy Spring Days !